Infinite Game Publishing (IGP) was a short lived publishing company I worked for which was based out of Montreal, QC. I was hired as a Product Director for Online Games. Specifically, the Piranha Games developed, Mechwarrior Online.

Mechwarrior is a AAA, Free 2 Play PC game. During my time there I was responsible for:

  • Being the general overseer of the product

  • Working with the external developer to define road maps and schedules

  • Reviewing each weekly build and providing feedback

  • UI design rework

  • Coordinating with Social Media and Live Operations to define policies for how to best resolve customer support issues

  • Working closely with marketing to ensure marketing goals and schedules are inline with game development goals

  • Investigation of licensing of toys and other hard goods related to the IP

  • Review and feedback of potential new IP

  • Working with HR to interview and hire new staff

Although Mechwarrior was/is a massive success, IGP itself folded not long after its release, apparently having served the purpose it was created for.


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