Infinite Game Publishing (IGP) was a short lived publishing company I worked for which was based out of Montreal, QC. I was hired as a Product Director for Online Games. Specifically, the Piranha Games developed, Mechwarrior Online.
Mechwarrior is a AAA, Free 2 Play PC game. During my time there I was responsible for:
Being the general overseer of the product
Working with the external developer to define road maps and schedules
Reviewing each weekly build and providing feedback
UI design rework
Coordinating with Social Media and Live Operations to define policies for how to best resolve customer support issues
Working closely with marketing to ensure marketing goals and schedules are inline with game development goals
Investigation of licensing of toys and other hard goods related to the IP
Review and feedback of potential new IP
Working with HR to interview and hire new staff
Although Mechwarrior was/is a massive success, IGP itself folded not long after its release, apparently having served the purpose it was created for.